ISO/IEC 15045-3-1:2024
Information technology — Home Electronic System (HES) gateway — Part 3-1: Privacy, security, and safety — Introduction
ملفات الوثيقة ISO/IEC 15045-3-1:2024
مجال الوثيقة ISO/IEC 15045-3-1:2024
This document describes the series of privacy, security, and safety standards to support the HES Gateway and attached devices.
The purpose is to specify methods for protecting home and building systems from both internal and external threats, intrusions, or unintended observation of data and unsafe conditions that could result from network functions. Part 3 defines a set of basic and advanced requirements for gateway monitoring and control of both inbound and outbound traffic, including switching/routing, addressing, encryption, intrusion detection and prevention, and other “firewall” functions. The Part 3 requirements specify the following functions:
1) prevention of active inbound attacks and unsafe commands,
2) discovery and classification of outbound traffic,
3) interoperability of premises internal network traffic,
4) management of privacy and security mechanisms, and
5) provision for a management and reporting dashboard for use by the non-technical end-user. This standard describes the inter-relationships between privacy, security, and safety.
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